OH Dept of Labor

OH Dept of Labor main mission is to foster, promote, and develop the health, safety and welfare of the wage earners of Ohio. OH Dept of Labor address is 77 S High St, Columbus, Ohio 43215. OH Dept of Labor phone number is 614-644-2239.

OH Dept of Labor Phone Number

OH Dept of Labor phone number to call Ohio DOL and speak to a real person is 614-644-2239.

OH Dept of Labor Fax Number

OH Dept of Labor fax number where you can send fax messages, documents and forms is 614-466-5650.

OH Dept of Labor Website

OH Dept of Labor website where you can get the latest news, updates, executive directors’ information, public announcements and more, can be accessed by clicking here.

OH Dept of Labor Address

OH Dept of Labor address to send official mail, documents, complaints, requests, and forms is:

OH Dept of Labor (Ohio Department of Labor)
77 S High St
Ohio 43215

OH Dept of Labor Services & Responsibilities

OH Dept of Labor services & responsibilities include Workforce Development, Unemployment Management, Reemployment Assistance, Business Support & Growth, Community Development, Workforce Statistics, Public Records Request, Workforce Safety, PUA Unemployment, Labor Regulations, Workplace rights, Labor Data and Career Development.
Watch this video to learn more about OH Dept of Labor services, activities, numbers and more.

Dept-of-Labor.com is providing updated information for OH Dept of Labor and DOL offices nationwide, by state. It is a completely independent website that has no affiliation with any of the federal or state’s government departments, bureau, offices, agencies, boards, or commission.

Dept of Labor
OK Dept of Labor
OR Dept of Labor
PA Dept of Labor
PR Dept of Labor
RI Dept of Labor and Training
SC Dept of Labor
SD Dept of Labor
TN Dept of Labor
TWC Texas
UT Dept of Labor

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